Sandhill Cranes

When I first came to Florida I came for the sunshine and beaches, as most people do. But I began to notice the different song birds and wildlife here, so much different than the mid-west. Here at The Glades Resort there is plenty of wildlife! With so much to do, it is easy to overlook the simple things. So take the time to look around you and appreciate the wild things!

In this blog, we will highlight some of the creatures who we share our space with. Today is The Sandhill Crane! We have several here at the park and can be seen regularly around the golf course and the south end of the park. The Sandhill Crane can be up to 47” tall and have a wingspan of 78”. They can also live up to 20 years. They are fairly social birds who live in pairs and can be seen mostly with their beaks in the ground looking for seeds, berries, insects and snails.

For more information please check out this link:

Please give these majestic birds a wide berth as they are wild and as ground nesting birds, vulnerable to the local coyote, bobcat, panther, alligator, great horned owls, raccoons, etc. Also, please do not feed them as this makes them unafraid of humans.

For more facts about living around Sandhill Cranes click here:
